February 26, 2024
Dr. Adedayo, African American outreach and awareness programs on heart disease are urgently needed. “It’s not until you have symptoms that you go to see a doctor. You should already be routinely seeing a doctor,” he said. “People need to remain connected to the healthcare system. These things can be taken care of when complications arise. It’s as simple as doing routine EKGs once a year, checking the blood pressure, and getting blood work.”
“The conditions for heart disease are lifestyle choices. Having a sedentary lifestyle, not exercising and not eating healthy,” said Dr. Adedayo. “Everything has to do with education. It begins with the family. If the family can encourage and institute a good healthy attitude in their kids. They are the ones who are going to be the future. Down the line, they’re going to be the adults. They are going to spread the same healthy concepts in their home with their own family and friends. The education is empowering.”